At heart of the valley of Peisey-Nancroix and at the National Park of Vanoise’s gates, the Rosuel Refuge team is welcoming you from June to September.
The building was renovated in 2008, it has with a large terrace in the sun, a common dining room centered around a wood burner. As for accommodations, the refuge offers dormitory from 4 to 12 beds with shared sanitary facilities (hot showers and toilets). Some of those shared rooms are equipped with a sink.
The refuge is very easy to access during summer but it will provide you with the true spirit of a mountain refuge, a place of gathering, friendliness and simplicity. It is located in the mountain at the altitude of 1547m, in a sensitive and protected environment, with its own regulations.. In order to fully enjoy your stay, please prepare it by consulting the weather forecast and packing the fitted equipment and clothing.


The refuge is very accessible !
Disabled Access

  • Altitude : 1547m
  • Refuge Keeper : Béatrice Grelaud
  • Capacity : 48 places

A la carte restaurant for lunch
Drinks, icecreams and dessert from 12 to 19
Unique meal in the evening (upon reservation)


Diapo 1
refuge depuis le parking
Bienvenue au refuge de Rosuel
Diapo 1
refuge depuis le parking
Bienvenue au refuge de Rosuel